Are You Projecting Inferiority Complex Onto Your Child?

Are You Projecting Inferiority Complex Onto Your Child?

Is your child overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, lack of self-worth and uncertainty about themselves? They may be suffering from inferiority complex. And somehow you could be the reason.

Since few years awareness about children suffering from anxiety, depression and hopelessness has been growing. Hence parents these days watch out for these symptoms in their children. It is at this young phase that inferiority complex can creep into your child’s personality: silently unnoticed.

What is Inferiority Complex?

Simply it can be described as a feeling low-worth and lack of confidence resulting from comparisons and competitions. This feeling can affect the way a child, especially how a primary schooler or a preteen, perceives himself and his relationships with those around him.

Not sure if your child is having inferiority complex? Here are some signs and symptoms:

  • Not mingling with anyone
  • Shows less enthusiasm in participating in any activities like sports
  • Having feelings of self-pity
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Indulging in self-blame whenever something goes wrong

Here’s our new video on “inferiority complex” and how to overcome it, by Dr. Parth Vaishnav (Psychiatrist).

Being a parent, are you projecting inferiority complex onto your child?

Remember, your children will not get an inferiority complex if he/she feels loved and respected by his/her parents.

If you react with shame, scorn, anger, or guilt to an innocent request for an expensive item, you will instill insecurity in the child.

To help in parenting and to overcome inferiority complex in children, we have gathered a few points. As parents, your own attitudes are key.

See Also: Your Children’s Good Mental Health Begins with Good Parenting

Do not compare and criticize

Being a parent, you should appreciate your child’s achievements (no matter how small they may be), and motivate and encourage them to learn and improve their skills to do better. However, many parents don’t understand this fact and they start comparing to their better performing classmates.

This makes the child think that they are “inferior to others.”

Have focus on your child’s interests

Talk to your child and observe their interests and capabilities. Based on that provide them an opportunity and encouragement to train and develop that skill. Remember, no child is good at everything.

Build a trustworthy relationship with your child

Children are not capable of sorting some issues on their own. So they need your help to deal with it. In this case mistreatment of a child by his parents can create a sense of trust issues and wariness about parents’ attitude in their mind. This ultimately give rise to feelings of inferiority complex.

Teach your child to have a positive way of thinking

Take a good time and spend with your child every day. Tell them that you appreciate the way they do things and appreciate their efforts in achieving things. Communicating positively with your child would increase his self-awareness and boost his self-confidence.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Let us make our children understand this. Most importantly, remember inferiority complex stems from within us – it is all to do with the mind.

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