Author: Dr. Parth Vaishnav

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Should you FEAR or PANIC?

For a world that was busy “sharing”, “swiping”, “liking” & “bitching”! Here comes a generation wiping virus that has everyone in their brains “itching”! For starters its ironical that the...

Staying Mentally Healthy This Summer

Summer time is associated with every age group people as it comes with freedom from school and many other positive emotions. However, summer can also be the time where certain...

When OCD Meets Major Depressive Disorder

People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are also at a greater risk of developing other mental illness. And Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most common. In this blog...

Suicidal Ideation – How to Manage & Find The Help You Need

If your psychiatrist diagnoses you with suicidal ideation, that means you are preoccupied with the idea of suicide. Here are some diagnostic measurements – regularly thinking about the way of...

Mental Health in India is Still Surrounded by Stigma

Mental disorder is not shameful, but the stigma is. Sadly, stigma aggravates the condition of people suffering from mental illness. “A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed that...

Announcing the Launch of our New Website

Samvedana – The Happiness Hospital is pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website for Dr. Parth Vaishnav! After days of hard work and dedication, we are delighted...

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